little mo birthday new

Tidak terasa saya sudah berusia 25 tahun alias seperempat abad padahal saya masih merasa belum sepenuhnya dewasa secara pikiran terutama. Banyak hal sudah terjadi di dalam hidup saya, dan saya berubah, saya berkembang dan hal itu wajar bagi seorang individu. Dua tahun dalam perjalanan lepas dari Universitas merupakan perjalanan yang susah dan penempaan yang hebat bagi saya secara pribadi, saya baru pertama kalinya merasakan “jalan sendiri” secara individual tidak ada lagi teman se-geng atau teman sekelompok yang bisa diajak bersama-sama hampir setiap waktu ketika kuliah, dan saya yakin bukan hanya saya yang merasakan perubahan ini. Saya juga merasakan jatuh bangun mencari apa yang orang bilang “passion” yang saya lebih suka mengatakannya sebagai “panggilan” dan masih banyak lagi termasuk perubahan pandangan tentang kehidupan asmara. So here is my list about my 25th life journey!

1. I am important.

My anxieties, my thoughts, my feelings and my dreams are important even when other people don’t think so. I am important in this hectic and busy generation which tends to be ignorant about anything except their own interests.

2. I have my own standard of success and happiness.

I don’t delude myself to be good enough and live up to other people’s definition of success and happiness. I have my own J now.

3. My insecurities are what shapes me.

My insecurities are the things that shapes and makes me into what i am. I should accept that as a part of my life even when other people don’t.

4. It’s harder to forgive people when I am all grown up

All failures and dissapointments left deep scars on me. Broken heart is one of them, and it left deeper scars than the ones i experienced when I was younger. I’m still anxious about forgiving myself and the people who have hurt me. We can give forgiveness but not give all of our trust again, trust is earned.

5. I learn to be patient against hard headed people.

I always remember that adults are childrens who survived, they have their own battles even when we don’t really see them.

6. I don’t wait anymore.

I don’t wait for people, i don’t wait for opportunities, I make my own now, I don’t wait for life to give me a cupcake for the moment, cause every moment, good or bad, are still a part of me, part of my life. I don’t wait for the best love story in my life and I don’t care about what society tells me even when i’m not with a man. I’m totally complete with or without him, I fight my own demons as long as I live.

7. People come, go, and change, so will i

There are some people who will leave us, and they’re the same people who stayed with us during our darkest and brightest moments, and that’s okay, change is a part of life, part of growing up. I relish those who stay, they are my diamonds.

8. I learn to collect moments and secrets in private.

I don’t always share a lot of happy or sad moments, Those are private things to me now. There are some moment that are really precious that we don’t want to share to the public and there are some sad moments that we want to keep to ourself or just to some close friends. Everybody doesn’t have to know about everything, the most important thing is that you know yourself enough.

9. A heart to listen is rare in this busy generation

We are a part of a busy generation now and it’s hard to find someone with a kind heart to listen. I always respect the ones that likes to share their problems and their life to me, because that inspires me too. I also respect the ones that lend their ears and heart to listen about my problem.

10. Everything is temporary, be careful with “too much”

People, relationships, work, money, and life are temporary things that we will take responsibilities for when we are dead. Everything that is too much will hurt to much too. We just have to be wise and sensible with those temporary things. We don’t bring anything and we leave without bringing something too.

11. Live in the present

Living in the past will make you guilty, and thinking about the future will give you anxieties. Live in the present with what we have and what we do, live in the NOW.

12. Don’t corrupt the definition of life

Life is not just about passion, work, ambitions, goals, scholarships and other prominent things. The small things are a part of life too, hang out with friends, me time, dinner with family, holiday and etc. Life is complex, life is many things, don’t corrupt the definition of life.

13. There are times to be active, and there are times to be passive

Sometimes life gives you nothing so you have to start with what you have. Sometimes life gives you everything so you have to be wise to use it. Sometimes life leads you directly but sometimes you have to lead your life and find your purpose.

14. If I fail, I try again

I should stay true to myself, failure is not a big thing but it’s hard in this perfect wannabe generation. We are not a perfect creature, and life itself is not perfect, so it’s okay to fail, let’s try again tommorrow.

15. When you break, the stonger version of you will be born

When an egg cracks, a little chick is born. For me, when life breaks me, a stronger version of me will be born too.

16. Train yourself not only to be pretty, but also be baddass and a fighter!

I train myself to not only be pretty but to be badass, cause we know life is a real battle, we have to fight the bad stuff.

17. Friend is not a number anymore, its about who stays during our brightest and darkest moment.

18. The one that you should ask for directions the most are your Creator and yourself.

19. I am not a perfect worker, I am the “I will try to be better worker”

20. I learn to say No and not feel guilty about it, I am not alway the YES girl.

21. I learn to be grateful about everything even during the bad days.

22. I take pride in everything that I do, I learn to appreciate my own work.

23. It’s okay to tell and say what you feel, we don’t know how much time we have left.

24. I learn not to be hard on myself or the inner child inside me.

25. I learn not to stay in bad relationships with people and not feel guilty about it anymore.


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